Department of Philosophy
Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nivedita College (Co-Ed)
Vision: The department of Philosophy aims at holistic education. Holistic means total development which includes rational, emotional, moral and spiritual development of students. Within the syllabus are included various philosophical theories which can be guiding principles of behaviour.
Mission: The department of Philosophy adopts a pragmatic approach which goes beyond classroom teaching. It organises various departmental activities like seminars, quiz competitions, poster exhibition, cultural programmes, educational tours, and encourages students to participate in them. This not only helps in the academic development of the students but also helps to boost up their morale. It organises lectures on intellectual, moral and spiritual issues by bringing speakers from various walks of life. The aim of these lectures is to develop qualities like sympathy, humility, equanimity and tolerance among the students.
The department of Philosophy offers a three year degree course both honours and general following the guidelines of Calcutta University. It covers six semesters. At the end of each semester the students have to appear for the university examinations. Besides the semester examinations a continuous evaluative process is adopted by the department which immensely benefits the students.
Course outcomes of B.A Philosophy
Semester 1
CC1 – The aim of this course is to give a general exposure of different Indian philosophical systems with special emphasis on five of them. They are the Carvaka system, Jainism, Buddhism, Nyaya and the Vaisesika systems. This exposure will give the students a glimpse of the Indian philosophical tradition.
CC2 – The focus of this course is history of Western philosophy. This course covers not only ancient Greek philosophy, but also modern philosophy, mainly Cartesian philosophy. The aim of this course is to give the students an idea of the concept of ‘knowledge’, as distinguished from belief, and whether reason can be regarded as the source of knowledge.
Semester 2
CC3 – This course covers four Indian philosophical systems, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and the Vedanta systems. This course gives the students knowledge about the Samkhya concept of creation and yoga as a means to liberation. The Mimamsa and the Vedanta systems discuss the means to or the pramanas for correct knowledge and the concept of Brahman respectively.
CC4 – The objective of this course is to discuss whether experience can be regarded as source of true knowledge. This course covers views of three empiricist philosophers, namely Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Besides them this course covers Kant’s theory of knowledge.
Semester 3
CC5 – This course covers the various psychological theories of mind, various theories of learning, what is meant by intelligence, Freudian theory of consciousness and dream. This course helps the students to have a better understanding of the mind and its activities.
CC6 – This course covers social and political philosophy. Here the students get to understand the concepts of society, social class, secularism democracy and socialism. This course helps the students to have a clear understanding of the various political ideals and the role of the society for the growth of an individual.
CC7 –This course covers philosophy of religion. It deals with various concepts like karma, rebirth, and liberation. It covers the basic tenets of various religion, religious pluralism and possibility of universal religion. This course helps the students to be open minded.
Semester 4
CC8 & CC9 – These courses covers western logic. It deals with various logical methods for true inferences, concepts like logical analogy, scientific hypothesis and probability calculus. This course helps to have a rational understanding and clarity in thinking. Logical thinking also helps the students in the various entrance examinations.
CC10 – This course deals with concepts of truth, knowledge and causality. Concepts like Phenomenalism, Idealism and Realism are also included here. This course enables the students to understand the conditions for true knowledge, nature of reality and various senses of the verb “to know”.
Semester 5
CC11 – This course covers Indian logic, namely the Nyaya system. Here the Indian concept of buddhi or jnana is explained and various pramanas or ways to correct knowledge is explained. Like Western logic, Indian logic enables the students to have a clear and rational thinking.
CC12 – This course Indian ethics and deals with Vaidic concepts of dharma, karmayoga, vidhi, nisedh, Buddhist concepts of pañcaśīla, ahimsa and Jaina concepts of anubrata and mahabrata. This course gives the students knowledge of the rich Indian moral principles which are the guiding principles of the world and the individuals.
Semester 6
CC13 – This course, like CC11, covers Indian logic, but here not only the Nyaya system is discussed but also, its purvapakșa or the opponent system, the Mimamsaka system is discussed. The debate between the two systems gives the students an idea of how logical debates lead to a conclusive and acceptable position.
CC14 – This course covers Western ethics, moral theories of Plato and Aristotle, standards of morality like Utilitarianism and Deontological theories, and the theories of punishment. The study of these theories enables the students to differentiate between moral and non moral actions, the object of moral judgement and moral justice.
Besides the above courses there are Discipline Specific Elective Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses offered to the students which the students will choose according to their aptitude and interest.
Semester 1
CC1 – This course gives the students an idea about the Indian theories of knowledge and Reality.
CC2 – This course gives the students an idea about the Western theories of knowledge and Reality.
CC3 – The subject matter of this course is Western logic. This course teaches the students logical thinking, the difference between valid and invalid argument, between true and false conclusion.
CC4 – This course covers Western psychological theories of mind. It gives the students an idea about the mind and its workings.
Besides the above courses there are Discipline Specific Elective Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses offered to the general students which they will choose according to their aptitude and interest.
Course Outcome
Philosophy will help in the intellectual growth of the students.
Philosophy will help in the moral growth of the students.
Philosophy will help the students to distinguish between correct and incorrect knowledge.
Philosophy will help the students to have a better understanding of the world.
Philosophy will help the students to have a logical mind which is required in every sphere of life.
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